Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > baby bunny 1 day old

baby bunny 1 day old

22 9:45:42

I was wondering how often do you feed a baby bunny 2 days old? I had 7 but 6 of them died so I have one. and what do you feed them? I have been feeding a droper with drops of milk. please help me thank-you

Hi Shery,

I have never been able to save a baby bunny that didn't have a mother.  If the mother is not caring for them the best thing to do is find another set of babies that are the same age.  Do you know any rabbit breeders in your area that could help?  The baby has a very little chance of survival without a mothers milk.  I really don't have any clue how often you have to feed them but cows milk is way to rich.  You need to use fresh goat milk or kitten milk replacer.  You can read more about it here:

Good luck
