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Rabbit eye mark?

22 10:38:05

Six months ago I bought a white dwarf rabbit with blue eyes from the pet store. Her health seems fine, she's very active and eats regularly. However, three months ago I noticed that there was a blackish solid colored crescent moon over the pupil of her right eye. The rest of her eye looks fine, along with her left eye. A lot of times it isn't visible unless her eyes are wide open. I haven't really got around until now to seeking some online answers to what exactly this was. I'm obviously not very worried, or I would have attended to this problem earlier. I'm highly curious and wish to know exactly what this is, if it is anything, and hope it's really not anything to worry about as I assumed.

Dear Kaira,

I can't really know for sure without seeing a very clear picture.  But if this is a strip of color on her blue iris, then it is very likely just a patch of pigmented tissue, which is quite common in blue-eyed rabbits.  Many of them have spots or stripes of brown in an otherwise blue iris.  It's usually due to a somatic reversion mutation, and not anything to worry about.

If you're not sure, then a good rabbit vet should have a look to make sure it's not something that needs to be addressed.  You can find one here:

I hope this helps.
