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non-urgent - rabbit with ongoing medical problems

22 10:07:40

I have a rabbit that, at age six weeks, got enteritis (was with her mum at the time still).  She was put of fluids, antibiotics (trimethoprim sulphur) and metaclopramide and in a couple of weeks made a recovery.  She then developed a strange condition on her ears whereby the ends became necrotic and eventually died and (after some months) fell off.  When she was about ten to twelve weeks old she started scuffing her back feet when she walked, like she was becoming paralysed.  At the time she was seeing the vet constantly and they were having a hard time figuring out what the problem was.  They did think that the ear and leg problem would get progressively worse but it seemed to reach a certain point and then stop.  She is now around 2 and a half years old.  She still scuffs her back feet and has trouble jumping up on things (but manages surprisingly well).  About one year ago she developed an eye infection, her eye went cloudy and white (no weeping) and she was on drops and ointment but there was no improvement (but no further deterioration either).  Then around four to six months ago she had an ear infection which caused her head to tilt and she would fall over a bit and walk in circles.  The vet thought for sure that she would not recover from the ear infection but she (much to the vets surprise) made a 100% recovery with no signs of ever having had it.  
I would very much like to know what could possibly have caused these strange problems, particularly the legs and ears, and whether or not you think they could all be linked.  Every time she gets sick I think I will euthanise but she seems to be able to make the most amazing recoveries every time and in the meantime is living an (apparently) pain free life with two other rabbits for company, lots of hay, greens, some pellets and exercise.
Any ideas on the cause of her health problems would be greatly appreciated.  I have been searching for answers for the past few years with not much success.

Dear Ellen,

A rabbit with this many health problems--not all of them related to one another--may simply be genetically susceptible because of inbreeding or developmental problems that have compromised her immune system.  It's good that she is such a fighter!  At least her personality helps her survive her unfortunate genes.

But given her history, I would not be surprised if this is an ongoing problem for her.  I hope she has a long, happy life despite her problems.

Good luck,
