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babby bunnies

22 11:15:48

Me and my husband found some baby bunnies.. when we found them there eyes were just opening.... so we left them alone... well today we went to check on them and they got scared and scattered.. we tried putting the back... but they keep leaving the nest... i am not really sure how old they are maybe 14 days or so.... we put 2 in a box but couldnt find the other one.. we need to know what to do ..... Please help  

Dear Kim,

If they didn't scatter far, then they may be able to find their way back to the nest.  But it would probably be safer if you could wash your hands *very* well, and then gently put them back.  Place a low barrier around the nest--maybe a strip of flexible cardboard or stiff paper, or even the sides of a box (with the top and bottom cut away) about 3" high, so that mama can jump  over it, but the babies can't.

Be sure to cover them with grass again, and don't disturb the nest any more, to avoid stressing the babies.

Hope this helps!
