Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Dog brought a bunny in the house; eyes have to opened yet!!!! What do I do?

Dog brought a bunny in the house; eyes have to opened yet!!!! What do I do?

22 10:42:51

My dog dug up a nest of baby rabbits in the backyard. She brought one in the house and I was able to get it from her. One leg might be broke. Its eyes have not opened yet. I put it in shoe box with a towel and bought milk from the local feed store. However, it is so small and helpless. I would guess just a couple of days old. I tried to take it to the vet and they said there was nothing they could do for me. How do I care for it? I want to be able to release it when it's strong enough. Thanks for your help.

Hi Alison,

Given that the rabbit is so young and it has a broken leg, I suggest that you take it to a vet to be euthanaised.  It is extremely difficult to raise baby rabbits - especially that young and add to it the broken leg and it's not a good idea to pursue it.  It's much kinder to put it down now.

Thanks for taking the time to care.