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rabbit fights

22 11:07:18

Over the summer i bought two dwarf bunny rabbits. They were just born and i was told that the sex would be undetermined for awhile. I have begun to recognize male tendencies in both and assume they are both male. They have splattered "themselves" on my wall but tonight at 5:00 am! they began fighting. I have noticed the larger one being a little controlling of the smaller but actual fighting never took place. I'm really concerned and being really frightened in the matter, i took the smaller rabbit out and can't decide what to do without the use of a second cage at the moment. Should i be separating them? What should i do? Thanks for your time!

Answer this link tells you how to sex the rabbits to determine male or female. THis is the first step. You may have a male and a female, and they are trying to breed. Keep them separated, or they will fight to the death, or end up pregannt- depending on if they are both male or not.