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how long?

22 11:14:41

how long does it take a female mini-rex to fully develope babies for birth? we just got a female and i have a feeling that her and my male have already developed a family. but i don't know how long i have to get her a nesting box and when i should take her away from the male.  

Hi Sharon,

rabbits have an average gestation time of 30 days.  They get pregnant soon after sex.

I'd separate them as soon as you can.  Pregnant females generally don't want males around (or anyone else either).

Once she starts pulling out fur you can give her a nesting box, 8 inches high except for the front (lower so she can get in and out) and she can line it with fur and hay.

If this was unplanned, I'd suggest after the litter is born going to a good competent rabbit vet and getting them altered.  There is an overpopulation of domestic rabbits and many are destroyed in shelters each year because of this.  Keep in mind the babies will also need to be altered or they will get pregnant and you be facing more serious inbreeding problems if they impregnate sisters.
