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Rabbit pulling dewlap fur: false pregnancy?

22 9:55:11


My rabbit was spayed and I think that the rabbit has falls pregnancy, because rabbits will start pulling hair from their dewlap ( a small patch of loose skin on the front of the neck and chest.  How you think maybe they did not good spayed?  Could you please tell me if falls pregnancy it's mean they did not good surgery?  Thank you.

ANSWER: Dear Inna,

How long ago was your rabbit spayed?  And how old is she?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My rabbit was spayed on September 15,2010.  She is 1 year and 1 months old.  The breed of rabbit is holland lop mix. Thank you.  

Dear Inna,

It's not impossible for a spayed rabbit to show signs of a false pregnancy, but if that's really what she's doing, then her hormones are a bit wonky.  That makes me fear that some ovarian tissue might have not been removed during the spay, or that she may have an adrenal malfunction.

If you are sure she's pulling fur because of false pregnancy, then I would get her to a rabbit-savvy vet for evaluation, including bloodwork to check her hormone levels.  If she has an adrenal tumor, then there are drugs (lupron) that can help with this.

If, however, she is pulling fur from her dewlap because it is wet and irritated, we have a whole different story:  she may have molar spurs making her drool, the saliva is burning her skin, and she's pulling out the fur in an effort to scratch at the irritated area.  If this sounds more like what's going on, then please read the appropriate section here:

as well as:

You'll need an experienced rabbit vet to help with this:

I hope this helps.
