Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is he scared or ill?

is he scared or ill?

22 11:26:23

Hi brenda. I adopted a bunny from a sanctuary in Texas. He is about a year old and im not sure which kind but a lop earred. Ive had him for about a week now and my husband and I notice a lot of laying on his stomach and panting. He breathes very fast and almost looks scared. Im wondering if he is still getting used to the new environment or if maybe i got a sick bunny? Is panting a sign of anything abnormal ?

He is probably hot -- like dogs, rabbits can't sweat to cool down, they must pant.  Take a 2 liter bottle and fill it 3/4 full of water and freeze it.  Once it is frozen, put it in his cage and he should snuggle up against it to cool down.  My rabbits LOVE this.  Make sure he has plently of shade and water.  Don't move him inside though because it will make him used to being inside and he won't adjust well later.  Rabbits do much better outside in all weather.  It has been 90+ degrees in Ohio with 90+ humitiy and all of my rabbits are outside and doing fine.  They are out all winter too.
