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5month female lop,joined by 2 8wk old females

22 9:55:10

We have rehomed a 5month old female dwarf lop and have just brought home 2, 8wk old female normal bunnies. Our older bunny seems to growl and gets aggresive towards both babies whenever they are put together...will this change or should they be kept seperate forever?

It is normal for females to become aggressive towards each other at sexual maturity and if they do not know each other. Even 2 does from the same litter that seem the best of friends can turn on each other at maturity. This can sometimes be stopped by spaying before the aggression starts and the hormones kick in but cannot be guaranteed. Temperaments have a big part to play in bonding too. Some clash and will not get on no matter how hard you try.

Whether your older doe will get on with the other doe's all depends on the above and whether she is willing to accept strangers into her territory.
Bonding rabbits can be tricky but it can be done with time depending on the individuals involved

You cannot just put strange doe's into a adult does territory and expect them to get on straight away.She will attack them and possibly kill them.
You have to put the new doe's close to her in separate hutches and runs for any sort of bond to be possible.
This can take 1 week to 6 months before she goes near to excepting them.
It may be that after all the effort put in she will not accept them at all. It is a chance you take.
It is very important for all doe's to be spayed as and smell of hormones can set fighting off. It is also important that any bucks nearby are removed to stop sexual frustration as the doe's will all smell the buck.