Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > easter my albino bunny

easter my albino bunny

22 10:07:23

dose albino bunnys stay the same size for three years.and wat do you do wen its nails get so long that they curl.cause 2 have fell off and wont grow that bad.


Albino, or Ruby-Eyed White (REW), is the variety (or color) of a rabbit.
Albino is not a breed. In order for me to determine how large a rabbit will grow to I must know what breed the rabbit is.

A rabbit's nails must be trimmed regularly. If you find this difficult, you can have a vet do the trimming for you.

If the nails are too long they are more likely to rip off of the toe. Sometimes they grow back, sometimes they don't. I don't find it a huge deal health wise when it comes to a couple missing nails. It would only matter to me if it were a show rabbit. They are disqualified for missing nails.