Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Bunny breathing fast

Bunny breathing fast

22 9:53:29


I have already asked you a question before and it really helped but i have something else going wrong.

My bunny is a month old and she started breathing fast all of a sudden. She is not shaking or vibrating this time. When i see her from far away , i see her going up and down in tiny movements.

I moved her cage to a different place two days ago and she started acting strange yesterday. She is also not active at all , when i take her out of the cage she usually runs around , licks me and plays around. Now she just sits somewhere or either snuggles up to me and breathes quickly.

I hope you can help me , i never had a bunny before so i'm not really good at this stuff. Oh , and something else , their also another bunny next to her. He's only a week older.

Thank you


Dear Sara,

Read this right away:

and get your bunny to a vet as soon as possible.  I hope you can find one here:

But any vet will have to do.  A bunny acting lethargic and breathing fast might have a fever, and that likely means an infection that must be treated.  If the vet doesn't know about rabbits, be *sure* s/he does not prescribe any type of penicillin (e.g., amoxycillin).  Instead, use Baytril at 20mg/kg.

I hope you can get bunny to the vet right away.  This sounds as if it could be serious.

If the bunny has been in the sun or a hot place, this can be fatal, too, if the bunny gets heat stroke.  If you suspect heat stroke, get her into a cool place and call the vet IMMEDIATELY.

I hope she will be okay.
