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bunnies eye

22 11:07:03

my rabbit had 2 babies on Christmas day.the one bunny opened her/his eyes on Tuesday 1-9-07 the other a day later the one eye looks fine the other has a smaller looking eye and it is a bluish color.Is this a sign of blindness? Also when can i tell what sex they are so that i don't have more babies ?

If they eye is bluish color all over, with no white/or colored Iris-like is in your eye-, then it probably is blind. You can start telling sexes at the age of 4 weeks, but it is very hard for the inexperienced. It is best to wait until weaning age-8 weeks. Separate them by the time they are 10 weeks old, and then you can be sure no one gets bred. EVeryone in their own cage- males can be kept together and females can be kept together until 3 months of age-- at 12-14 weeks.