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My Rabbit Has Stopped Drinking!

22 9:45:10

Hi, my rabbit didn't want to drink recently. Previously he was quite interested in drinking (however he hates plain water, so I have added juices into the water). He seems not interested with the drink anymore. I have tried to add other kind of juices but he still not interested. By the way his appetite is still good and i have brought him to the vet, his health is not an issue. The vet suggested can try to add 1.0ml of the vitamin B into the water to entice his drinking. I have tried and my bunny really love it! But now what worried me is will there be any side effect or cause toxic to him if overdose of the vitamin B.

Appreciate your kind advice.


Dear Ellen,

Gradually cut back on the vitamin B. Your bunny may be getting enough water from his fresh salad and other food.  I would worry much more if he were drinking too much, which can be a sign of kidney disease.

Vitamin B is water soluble, and will not generally build up to cause toxic reactions.  But too much of any "good thing" can still cause unpredictable problems.  I would slowly dilute the vitamin B out of his water so that he doesn't notice a sudden change, and then you might see a return to normal drinking habits without the vitamin B.
