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greasy spot and hair loss

22 10:26:46

  Iv just returned from holiday, to find my albino English lop has developed a greasy fur area, about the size of a pence piece, on the top of his head, between his ears. The fur looks wet constantly. Also on closer inspection the fur was dropping out in little clumps where the greasy patch is. Leaving a fine covering of short hair and a bald patch. The skin is not red or inflamed and appears apparently normal, however i have noticed the fur on his ears turning from a brilliant white to a brownish grey. All his fur everywhere else is also completely normal and there is absolutely no color change.He has always drank alot of water - i have to refill my very large bunny drinker daily, however i am now unsure of wether this greasy balding head has anything to do with it now! He was a rescue case and already has a sniffily nose problem, owing to a dust allergy, please any help or advice is much appreciated! Thanks, Karly.

Dear Karly,

Is it possible your bunny got under and appliance and got a grease spot on his head?  If it had any caustic material in it, it could burn the skin and cause the fur to fall out.  But the description you give isn't consistent with any of the typical abnormal fur loss causes in rabbits that I'm most familiar with:

I would wash the area with very mild soap (a very mild pet shampoo, such as Hy-Lyt), rinse and dry it well and keep an eye on it for any further sign of irritation or spreading.  If you see that, then it's off to a good rabbit vet for in-person diagnosis and treatment:

I hope this helps.
