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bunny having red urine

22 11:37:18

Hi, i just got a baby bunny and its unine is a bright orange-red color.  I thought it might have a bladder infection type thing but then i read that red urine can be normal.  My other bunny's urine is always much lighter so I wasn't really sure what to believe and I can't afford to just take it to the vet but I will if it is a serious problem.  Any advice?

Dear Cagney,

Rabbit urine can oxidize to red, orange, or even dark brown, depending on what the rabbit has been ingesting, and even on his/her emotional state.  No one really knows what causes the color changes, though certain things (e.g., nibbling a Christmas tree) are linked to orange urine.

If the urine comes out yellow and oxidizes to dark color, there's little to worry about.  If the urine actually comes out and is immediately dark orange (not pale or dark yellow), then there's a better chance it could be blood.  You could ask the vet to give you a urine test strip which would tell you whether there is urine in the blood, which would be cheaper than a full exam--but not many vets will do this.  

It's important to have a good rabbit vet in case of emergency, so please go here to find one:

before you need one, and start saving a special bunny emergency fund just in case you need it.  Your bunnies depend on you for their health care, since they can't pay for it themselves.

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
