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Mother Rabbit + babies+ cage

22 10:08:01


Our lovely lop eared rabbit Marmalade gave birth 2 days ago with her first litter, she has made a nest from her fur and the babies seem to be doing well (me looking from a distance) i was wondering if i should continue cleaning her cage every 2 days as i have been doing prior to her giving birth? i don't want her to be stressed by me interrupting her nest, or should she "do her business" on the grassed area of her cage.  i wouldn't want her caring for her babies in a poo infested area.  Can you please explain what rabbits are inclined to do in this instance?

Thank you so much

Hi Samantha. I am so sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I have had computer problems. I replaced the computer as soon as money would permit and am very sorry that I was not here when you need me. I am having trouble visualizing what type of cage or pen you may have for your bunny. If she is used to having her quarters cleaned regularly she shouldn't mind your continuing to do so. You can look in the nest and check on the young. As long as the doe does not growl at you or lay her ears back and come toward you there should be no problems. If she does either of the behaviors that I mentioned, leave her alone and try checking another time. Most mother rabbits don't mind sharing their babies with you. Again. I am sorry for not responding sooner and I hope all is well with the little ones. Pat