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A question about my Netherland Dwarf

22 10:49:42

Hi. I have a bunny that is almost 3 years old, named Marilyn. I just let her out to run around and I noticed she had a quite fair ammount of poo matted in the fur around her bottom. This hasn't ever happened before and i'm a little worried. She's eating fine, a diet of bunny pellets, fresh veggies and fruits, and the occasional pretzel. I'd just like to know if this is something that happens, or if there may be something wrong. I look forward to your reply. Thanks :)

Hi Sara

A butt with matted poo is not a good thing.  It is most likely cecotropes that she has not been eating for some reason.  Usually the culprit is an unbalanced diet.  If you have not changed her diet recently then she very well could have arthritis or some other type of pain that is keeping her from being able to bend over and eating her cecotropes.

Rabbits shouldn't have carbohydrates.  Any food like cereal or pretzels are really kind of bad for them.  I would try to cut those right out of her diet and see if it helps.  You also want to make sure she is getting plenty of fiber.  Unlimited amounts of timothy or other grass hay should be given to her.

It is really important that Marilyn go to see a vet as soon as you can get her in there.  They will be able to tell you why she isn't eating her cecotropes and if it is caused by an underlying illness.

If you need help finding a vet please visit this site:

I hope Marilyn does ok.  If you have any more questions please let me know.


Here is an article about rabbit poop.. it is very helpful.  It should explain everything in more detail.