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Is my rabbit blind?

22 10:48:57

I adopted my rabbit from a shelter...a vet thinks he might be around 5 years old.  Sometimes I wonder if he is partially blind or this is normal for rabbits.  Today, I noticed the room was very bright with sunlight and yet what seemed to be his pupils were still very dilated.  Sometimes he doesn't seem to see when I wave things in front of him or put treats out for him.  He flinches when I pet him at first.  But he also seems to be afraid when some people walk into the room.  Sometimes it just seems a little suspect.

Dear Jeanne,

Rabbit pupils do not contract and dilate as obviously as those of most other animals do.  They also tend to be far-sighted and not able to clearly see things nearby.  So your bunny might not be blind...just "hard of seeing."

For a definitive answer, you could take him to a veterinary ophthalmologist, referred by a trusted rabbit vet:

If he's squinting his eyes or showing other signs of discomfort in the eyes, this would be a good course of action, to prevent further damage from a treatable condition.

Hope this helps.
