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Post natal bunny!

22 11:08:46

Hi, please could you advise me how to care for a post natal bunny and her young.  The father killed one of the young prior to separation, I did not know she was pregnant. Dad is out of the hutch now.  How much contact should I make with mum and the babies?  I have left her to herself today but will check babies in the morning.  

Hi Helen,
sorry to hear your sad news...but to prevent any further damage,you did the right thing by separating the father.
 You're best to leave mom alone for at least 2 days to let her settle in to her new job, and when you do go in to check everyone,be sure to rub your hands on the bottom of the cage floor to remove your scent,which could turn her off her young.  You can supply her with extra oats in her regular feed,and some veggies. Stale wholewheat bread is also very good for her right now. Among fresh water at all times.
Otherwise you're doing everything just fine,these mishaps often happen so don't get yourself down about the lost baby,we learn from our mistakes right?  :)  Good luck and enjoy!  Elizabeth