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rescued rabbit with malnutrition

22 11:25:54

My friend has recently taken in a rabbit which had been neglected and was suffering from malnutrition. It seemed to be doing fine on the diet that she was giving it but still wasnt putting any weight on. Today (17/09/05) she phoned to say the rabbit is looking very weak and she is very concerned about it. What would you suggest as a diet for a rabbit in this condition. It is in serious need of putting weight on. Thanks in advance

The rabbit needs to see a vet, it may have worms that is keeping it from gaining any weight.

That said, I always recommend a diet of Manna Pro formula rabbit pellets.  Regardless of the age of the rabbit I would put it on the GRO formula for mothers and their litters.  I would also give it a chunk of pineapple a day to help with any fur blockage it might have.  A good tymothy hay would also be good.  Healthy treats like carrots, apples, romain lettuce, broccoli, strawberries, dark green veggies (spinnich in moderation), orange slices (with the peel), bananas etc would also be good.  Obviously, you don't want to feed these all at once and just a little at a time.  You want the bulk of the diet to come from the pellets and hay.