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Mini lop bunny

22 10:21:26

Hi Mr Meyer, My mini lop bunny, Lucy, died yesterday. She was 5 months old. I can't stop crying because i dont know why she died.? She was behaving normally until the night before last when a friend and i decided to introduce Lucy to her bunny. We thought it would be okay but we had no idea the other bunny was a male and when he behaved roughly with Lucy and proceeded to mount her we quickly removed her. Lucy wasnt as active as usual for the rest of the night. The next night I came home from work and found her on her side against the bottom of her cage.she tried to lift herself up but couldnt. Then randomly started to frantically move in circular motions in the cage. I think it might have been a seizure. Her breathing was panicky. A few hours later she was dead. I dont know how this could have happened. She was so young and active and playful. I keep thinking it might have been that her cage was too close to the bathroom, or she ingested the cleaning materials i used to clean her cage. Please help me. I feel horrible about her death and i just want to know what happened. I cant stop thinking about her.                          Thanks,


I am very sorry to hear about your rabbit dying.

I can't tell you with certainty why she died.  A vet would need to do a necropsy to see if there was a medical cause of death that could point to her death.

That said, it was probably the stress of the encounter with the other rabbit.  You never just put two strange rabbits together to 'see what happens'.  You don't even attempt a get-together with another rabbit unless you are going to bond two rabbits together.  You never do this if they are not both fixed.

I don't know why you would think it was proximity to the bathroom, or ingesting chemicals.  How could she have been able to do this without you knowing it?  Was there evidence she got into them?

Again, I am sorry to hear about your gal.  
