Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > lymphosarcoma


22 11:12:39

My little Ophelia had been breathing funny for the last month, so I took her to a  veterinarian.  He diagnosed her with lymphosarcoma; the x-rays showed a mass that was pushing on her trachea, and the fluid that was aspirated from her lungs was dark brown and contained only the most mature white blood cells(?).  Ophelia has never lost her appetite(she is a PIG), and still runs sprints around the house.  The doctor mentioned that chemotherapy could be too harsh for her and that she may even die with the first dose.  He recommended that we put her on prednisone to help slow the cancer, so we have had her on it for three days now.  
Is there a tried and tested cancer therapy for rabbits?
Also, if you know of rabbits that have undergone treatments, how sick does the treatment make them, and what are the chances for remission?
Ophelia is 8 years old and was spayed when she was less than 1 year old.

Thank you.

Dear Amy,

I am sorry about this sad diagnosis and the poor prognosis.  I have to agree with the vet here.  Chemotherapy drugs have not been calibrated for rabbits, and I have not heard of any happy endings from those who have tried them.  In fact, so far, these therapies seem to shorten the rabbit's life rather than prolong it.  Lymphosarcoma is usually a very aggressive cancer.

If you would like to get a second opinion, you can find more rabbit vets here:

But it's quite possible that prednisone and lots of love and total spoiling are the best therapies for her now.  

I hope this helps.  Noserubs to Ophelia!
