Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how to care for a rabbit once its had a stroke?

how to care for a rabbit once its had a stroke?

22 10:33:45

this morning my mom went outside to check on her rabbit, when she got to him he was lay on his side, he tried to get up but collapsed and kicked his legs, then lay still. my mom took him into the house and wrapped him in a towel to warm him. she suspected he had had a stroke. he has been defficating involuntary. she thought he had died at one point, but kept him wrapped up and warm just incase, he then started to move, kicking his legs, his eyes are closed, but he has opened them once or twice. hes just been lay on his side.
about 8 months ago his face looked swollen and had dropped on one side so he was taken the vet who couldnt find any thing wrong, but gave some injections anyway. he then seemed to be fine(untill this morning) but still had a drooped face.
since writing this e-mail he has been trying to move more, kicking his legs every now and then, it looks as if hes trying to get up but cant.
my mom doesnt want to take him to the vet because he is 7-8yrs old and doesnt want them to put him down, iv tried to tell her to take him but shes addament they will put him down.
is there any way we can care for him/feed him so he'll make a recovery?

Dear Chris,

In an emergency like this, the internet is not the place to seek help.  The only one who could help is a truly rabbit-experienced veterinarian.

Your bunny may not have had a stroke at all.  The problem could be any number of things, and by avoiding seeing a vet, you are putting his life at risk.  A rabbit in this condition needs immediate, emergency care such as subQ fluids, monitoring of body temperature, and other treatments to get him through the crisis.  He would not be euthanized unless his caregiver allowed it.

I am not sure what to tell you, because from the sound of it the bunny may not be with us any more at this point.  But if he is still alive, then PLEASE get him to a good rabbit vet:

He may have a very treatable condition such as an ear infection that's affecting his balance--but that can't be determined without an in-person veterinary exam.

I hope this helps.
