Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny looks like he has seizures.

My bunny looks like he has seizures.

22 9:57:38

My bunny has just been put on antibiotics because they said he had an ear infection. I took him in because his head kept tilting and he was starting to fall over. Right now I think he has gotten worse. His eyes roll back and he constantly rolls on his back and has to do it like 4 times and then he stops. I don't know what's wrong with him. Is is possible he is having seizures?

Dear Lanisa,

These are not seizures, but your bunny may be experiencing vertigo from an inner ear infection.  Please read:


for a complete overview of what you may be facing.  This is treatable, but it may take time.  If you are not sure your vet is an expert in rabbit medicine, you might want to find another vet here:

for a second opinion.

Hope this helps.
