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When are Rabbits able to get pregnant

22 11:12:20

I do not want to have my bunnies reproduce, I want to know at what age can they get pregnant. I have a litter of four together and one is a girl, they love to be with each other but know that will not be good, They as of Oct. 6th are 10 weeks old. When should I get the girl at least her own cage.
Thank you for your time,

Depending on the breed of your bunnies they can become sexually mature as early as 3 months old. So getting her a cage separate from the rest as soon as possible is your best choice. As for the males, once they reach sexual maturity- usually around 4-5 months sometimes as early as 3 also- will start fighting. to prevent this you could neuter them and house them together, or just get them all separate cages too. I myself would get separate cages, because I am not much for the spaying/neutering of rabbits.