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leg rash inside hind legs

22 9:59:31

Dear dana,
My rabbit , Thumper appears to have some sort of fungus or infection on the insides of her hind legs . I was wondering what it could be caused by so I can help and also what I needed to do about it . The rash is red and has a blue spot on it . I rinsed off its legs in warm water . I'm not sure if she is biting it or if it possibly is a bug bite or something but it is alot bigger than a bug bite . hopefully you can help me . Thanks for your time . From : Samantha

Dear Samantha,

Without seeing it, I can't be sure.  But this sounds like urine burn.  And this is often caused by a urinary tract problem.  Please read:

and to keep her comfortable while your vet is figuring out and treating the problem, please use the tips here:

I think you'll have to do the wet bath, as described, but be sure not to get her more wet than necessary--and only where she's soiled.

You can find a good rabbit vet to help you here:

Hope this helps.
