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When medication is not working

22 10:56:24

My two bunnies were recently diagnosed as having an upper respiratory infection and were given antibiotic for 10 days.
I ended up taking them back to the vet because they were still sneezing after the 10 days. They again were put on an antibiotic, this time for 21 days. They only have 4 more days of taking the medicine and my younger bunny is still sneezing.
She is eating ok, and running around, but has started sneezing more often again. What can be done to help my little Mia. I have been giving here a pink tinged medication, but no name is on the bottle. Is there some other kind of antibiotic they can be used???  Can bunnies be allergic to dust,etc???

Hi Mary,

well let me preface this in that I am not a vet and haven't seen your rabbits.

Chances are the vet didn't actually determine exactly what type of bacteria they have, but rather just put them on an antibiotic they figured would work.  

Since your little gal is still sick, you will have to take her back in and the vet really should do a test to see exactly which bacteria she has and determine what the most effective antibiotic is against it.  the antibiotic will have to be stronger than the current one.  You may want to also put your other rabbit on it in case he/she picks it up from your gal (and at this point, whatever bacteria she has left is a stronger strain because it hasn't been killed off by the current antibiotic).  I would strongly advise putting the other rabbit on the next antibiotic as a preventative measure.

Give them probiotics when they eat their foods.  Acidophilus and Lactobacillus are good to help maintain good bacteria in their gi tracts (antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria, so you need to replenish good bacteria when they are taking antibiotics, and for a couple weeks after they are done with them).

You may want to check around for a good rabbit vet.  Go to:

to find a House Rabbit Society-recommended vet in your area.
