Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Cottontail on my lawn

Cottontail on my lawn

22 9:59:05

There is a cottontail rabbit squatting on my lawn, the grass is a bit longer than it should be.
I don't think it's an ideal place to give birth but I can't help think that is what is happening.
It stepped away from the one spot it had been for a while so I stepped outside to get a closer look but jumped by to it original location.

Any guess on what's happening? What shoul I do if it gives birth on my lawn?

Dear Sean,

Cottontails give birth in open areas, but then create a nest of grass around the babies to hide and protect them.  This is why so many of them get run over by lawn mowers this time of year.  :(

It's good that you saw her giving birth (if that's what happened), because now you can be *very* careful about not going too close to that area, and letting Nature take its course.  Mama will stay away from the nest most of the time, and feed only at dawn and dusk when no one is around. This is her instinctive way to avoid attracting predators.

Even if you think she has abandoned the nest, don't disturb it.  She *is* caring for her babies, though you likely won't see her doing it.  For more information, please see:

(See "Is it really orphaned")

Hope this helps!
