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Upper respiratory infection

22 9:58:08

2 days ago I noticed that one of my guinea pigs eyes had gotten all sticky and were almost closed. I took him straight to the vets who gave him an antibiotic injection and some eye drops. Unfortunately the next day my poor Guinea had passed on. Several hours later my other Guinea pig also died but showed no symptoms what so ever. My concern now is for my rabbit. With it being the summer months she lives on my balcony outside although that isn't too far away from my guinea pigs. Is she at risk from catching this infection and is there anything I can do to prevent it? Can it pass on to other animals too? I have a 9 week old puppy as well. Please help I am very worried for my pets


I would be concerned as well.  What I would do, if I were you, would be to contact your current vet who's treating your guinea pigs, and call him/her up and just ask them directly.  Given what the vet has seen ask their advice.  Perhaps if you are in a hot zone, it might also be good to take your animals indoors in air conditioning, as hot weather dehydrates them and that is devastating to small animals with already small amounts of body fluids (ie they don't have a lot of excess to spare).  Hot weather also usually sppeds up bacteria infections.