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Bloated Bunny

22 9:41:53

I just got my 8-10 week old lionhead mix bunny 3 days ago and I just noticed that his belly looks and feels bloated. He's been eating and drinking though out the day and is running around as I write this but I just need to know if I should take him to a vet before the situation turns for the worst. Thank you.

Hi Abby

As your bunny is running around and eating and drinking, fingers crossed he's just a little greedy monkey. A rabbit with bloat will be lethargic, not eating and not pooping either as bloat is a very painful condition.

However, as you've only just got the little fella, I would recommend booking an appointment with your vet anyway and get him a full bunny MOT. That way the vet can have a feel of his gut and hopefully conclude he's fine and just a little bit tubby!

Good luck!