Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > bunny alone

bunny alone

22 9:55:02


I would like to find out if it is ok to let my bunny have free range over my home? or if it is better to keep him in a cadge during the day or even a sealed bunny proofed room? though my whole house is bunny proofed and i would prefer to give him his freedom

Even though the house is bunny proof I would be hesitant of leaving him out when you are not home.  There are a lot of things that they can get into even in a bunny proof home.  I suggest the closed off room that has nothing dangerous in it and when you are home then you can let him run out in the other areas.  Our bunny room has nothing at all in it but his cage and toys.  Even something simple that he could pluck out of the trash or on the floor could put him in danger.  Although no rabbit should be left in a cage all the time it is much better to let them out when you can keep a close eye on them.

Good  luck
