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Bunnys nose

22 10:13:16


Bunnies nose
I noticed something has been growing on my bunnies nose and it's not going away. It's been about a week so I attached a pic. Do you know what this is and whether or not it will go away on it's own? Thanks for any help.

Dear Marko,

This looks suspiciously like rabbit syphilis, caused by a bacterium known as Treponema cuniculi.  It is not contagious to humans, but it should be treated, as the lesions on the nose and mouth (and genitals, in many cases) are painful.  The usual treatment is 5-7 days of injections of Penicillin-G Procaine, the only type of penicillin considered safe for rabbits.  (*NO* oral penicillins for rabbits, as they are deadly!)

You will need to find an experienced rabbit vet here:

and get bun there for treatment ASAP.  

Note that a few other skin conditions can cause lesions similar to this:

but the picture you sent looks most like those caused by Treponema.

If you are in the UK, there is also a possibility of myxomatosis, which is an extremely dangerous virus.  This is much more rare in the U.S.  This is why it's important to get the bunny to a good rabbit vet for positive diagnosis and prescription of appropriate treatment.

I hope this helps.
