Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > i dropped my bunny

i dropped my bunny

22 11:21:23

i just got my bunny 2 days ago, and its two months old. I was holding my bunny on top of its cage for about 5 minutes rocking it back and forth, and then my bunny twitched and suddenly turned, and about at that moment i didn't have much control of it, so it fell on its side about a meter and a half high to a wooden log and it bounced off it, and fell on the cage afterward again, landing of its side... i was scared because its two months old. do you think my bunny will be really hurt or bruised?


It's possible he was not injured, but, I would watch to see if he starts hunching up and grinding his teeth.  That would be a sign that he is in pain and needs to see a vet.

Also, since rabbits are ground-dwelling creatures, it might be better in the future to hold him while you are sitting on the floor.

If he did break something, you can find information here at
