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Rabbits slits

22 9:44:53

Hi Dana,    We have 12 rescue rabbits all neutered!.  On both  sides of their genital/anus areas  ,in both males and females are " slits" or" pockets" in which often gathers brown yellowy stuff.   Please tell me what these slits are and why they have them?   I will be very grateful. Thank you so much. Love Eileen. I have contacted you before about wild black rabbits which you kindly answered. Cheers.

Dear Eileen,

Sorry for the delay due to a sad death in my family.

The slits on either side of the prepuce are the scent gland pockets, and the oily/crusty exudate is the musky scent goop secreted by the small, knoblike glands on the inside of the pockets.  Excited rabbits will wiggle their tails to get that scent going!  Very musky (or challenging, depending on the sex of the one who elicited the stinky-fest) to other rabbits!  :)

Hope that helps.
