Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > abcess


22 10:45:54

I am taking care of someone's rabbits for four days while they are on a course. When I checked and fed them today, one of them has a large lump, not much smaller than a golf ball just under from where it's ear starts.  I called the owner and she said she usually waits a day or two to see how it goes before taking it to the vet. The rabbit is about 10 yrs old. It was eating ok, but it's eyes looked rather dull. Do you think it should be seen by a vet immediately or can it wait until it's owner returns?  Very grateful for your advice on this.


For your own peace of mind you might feel better taking the rabbit now to a veterinarian. Also, an abscess or a tumor is not going to go away so there is really no point in waiting. A 10 year old rabbit is a very elderly rabbit which would also led to me to think it would be better to make the vet trip now rather than wait.

Good luck!