Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Change in color of my rabbits fur

Change in color of my rabbits fur

22 10:20:11

QUESTION:  My pet rabbit Shadow (who is a cutey that loves to lick and nuzzle me all the time!) is shedding his hair for the first time (he is only 3 months old), has strands of grey hair coming thru his dark black coat. Is this normal for rabbits?

ANSWER: Do you happen to know what breed Shadow is?

It sounds like she is a Champagne d'Argent or a mixof some sort with that breed in it.

Champagne d'Argents are black and around their first molt (3 months) they start to come in Silver and black.

The National club for the breed does not have a website, but you might want to try this link:

There you will find more pictures of the breed along with breeder links.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My nephew got him from a breeder in Pa. and the only thing he was told was that Shadow was a lop-eared (I think I messed up the spelling sorry!). Thank you for all your help!


It's possible that the rabbit is a cross still. She may be half Champagne and half Lop. There are five different lop breeds, so it is hard to tell. There is a variety within a few of the lop breeds that also is black at birth and begins to become more silver as they age.

To answer your question -- most breeds do not have such drastic coat color changes, but it is not a cause for alarm. There are a few breeds and varieties (colors) that do change.

Best of luck with Shadow!