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rabbit bald spot

22 11:15:11

about two weeks ago i was picking up my rabbit and she pulled away suddenly. she's a cotton tail and doesnt particularly like to be picked up but i have to give her medecine. i let go of her, but not quickly enough, and i accidently pulled out a chunk of hair. its been almost two weeks and only a small part shows shows hair growth, though it isnt much, and today i checked it and the skin was a purply blue color. what is wrong with my poor rabbit?

Hi Jil,

generally you won't be able to pull out hair of your rabbit unless it's hair that is shedding.

You may have pulled out some hair that was part of her new coat, but it sounds like you didn't pull it out so as to cause a break in her skin or cause bleeding (which is good!)

However, it may have tugged on the skin and bruised it underneath.  That is probably the purplish/blue color you are describing.

Generally the bruise should go away, and the hair will come back.  It probably looks a lot weirder than it is because they have such long hair, any loss of hair in the way you describe looks really odd.  But it will come back.  It just needs time.

If you are still concerned, I would definitely take her to your vet (a good rabbit vet, I hope).  If you don't have a good rabbit vet, visit the House Rabbit Society web site here:\vets

and find a recommended rabbit vet in your area.
