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Head Tilt - Wryneck

22 11:33:30

Is there any hope for bunnies with this problem? Labor Day I came home to find my one bunny (who is an indoor pet) falling to one side and spinning in circles.  He was taken to emergency-they had taken a lot of stuff from his left ear and he was treated w/Baytril.  A week later he was put on a steroid for 3 days...all to no avail.  He does eat and I assume he drinks, though I don't know how he gets his mouth up to drink, and his bathroom duties are normal.  As of last night his head seems to have gotten worse.  He'll run around the house little, then he either lies down on his side or his head goes practically upsidedown.  I hate seeing him like this!  Other websites I've looked up talked about feeding him fresh foods high in Vitamin C and massaging his head, neck, and chest.  Have you heard of these "remedies" before?  What can you tell me and what experiences have you had?  Is there hope?  My heart breaks when I think of the worst!  Thanks for for your time and information.  Sincerely, Anne

I have never heard of any "herbal" or "alternative" healing that works on this condition.  It is really not clearly known where the infection lies, but it is certainly an infection.  The only time I had a bunny with this condition it was in its early stages, just emerging from the snuffles/ear infection stage and into wry neck.  I had nothing to lose so I tried a prescription antibiotic ear drop a doctor had given to me for a serious inner ear infection.  While I can't remember the name of the medicine I can tell you that it is made by Boushe and Laumb (I know the spelling of this eye drop, eye care company is wrong, but you get the idea).  I am not sure how to get this other than a prescription and whether a vet can get it for you or not, but it worked.  I don't want to give you false hope here, it sounds like your bunny's case is very serious and I am sorry to say it may be too late.

A website you may not have been to is, click on medical then on wry neck/head tilt.  This is a really informative site.

Hope things work out.  Brenda