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Olive oil

22 9:49:02

Is it OK to coat a rabbit with it to kill fur mites, fleas, and ticks?

The ears can be treated with olive oil on a paper towel to clean ears, especially if ears are crusty and wax built up. This is a good indication of ear mites.

You can treat ticks this way, the idea is to suffocate the tick by coating with Vaseline to cut off its airway. My hesitation would be to coat the entire animal in it because he will start to lick it and it would likely give him diarrhea.

You can buy advantage from the vets office and it would cost about 5.00 a month and is by far the safest and most effective treatment for fleas and ticks.

I have been battling fleas for the past two weeks myself. Its that time of year. I tried buying sergeants version of advantage. I didn't like it, it didn't work at all on my cats. I ended up shaving my rabbits down and was able to remove all fleas with tweezers and scissors. I wouldn't do this however if the rabbit is very young because she could catch a chill, especially if outdoors in a cool climate.

I have read incredible things about Neem oil. After the rabbits all had a vinegar bath and were treated with 3 drops of the tube of sergeants and were shaved, I couldn't find anymore fleas at all.

For ticks you can try smothering with oil or Vaseline in the one spot, or you can use tweezers and very slowly pull them out. You want to ensure the head comes out with the body otherwise the darn thing will still be alive and will continue to affect the bunny. I also used a little drop of tea tree oil on the backs of their necks which is all natural and safe. Fleas apparently don't like it. They also tend to stay away from cedar shavings. It may deter new ones from entering the hutch. Moth balls under the hut where the rabbits cant get to them will also deter the fleas.

Hope this helps...
