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Rabbit panting

22 11:19:07

I have noticed that my rabbit of about 6 months tends to lay down and pant quite a lot.  I have read this could be due to the heat but i don't think that is the case because he still does it in the cooler evenings, is there anything else that could be causing it?  He hasn't been running round lots or anything like that before hand.  Also we have been putting him in a new hutch whilst re-introducing him to another bunny and he seems to have sneezed a few times, do you think this could be an allergy of some kind?  Thanks for any help or advice you can give.

There are several different things that could cause this, certainly allergies could be one of them.  If he has any nasal discharge, check to see if it is clear or opaque.  Clear discharge is usually more indicative of an allergy.

You can also find information on sneezing and the breathing issues at
