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Dosing schedule for revolution

22 10:33:18

My 10 year old rabbit has gotten a severe case of mites (the type that looks like extreme dandruff).  I read that revolution was good for that so I called my vet who measured a dose for him.  I put the first dose on today, Feb. 23rd.  When should I dose him again and how long does it take to get rid of the mites completely?  Also, should I try to remove all of the dandruff type material or will that drop off as the medicine starts to work?  Thank you so much for your help.

Dear Angela,

Your vet should be consulted about when to next apply the Revolution, but we use it about once every 30 days.

You can comb out the dandruff starting immediately, as this will help you monitor whether more flakes are forming. Cheyletiella mites (fur mites) are a little more tenacious than some others, and they can take a little longer to die because they feed on dead skin, not live tissue.  So it can take a little longer for the Revolution to get to them.  But die they will!

I hope this helps, and that your bunny will be dandruff-free soon.
