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Length of time to let bunny grieve

22 9:42:03

Hello Cat, we have an in home sanctuary of rescue bunnies & most are bonded, others waiting to be.

One thing I've always been fuzzy about & have probably made mistakes, is the length of time I let a newly widowed bunny grieve before rebonding.

One of our females just lost her 5 year partner this AM. I know bunnies don't have a lot of time on this earth compared to us of course. That said, I don't want to add stress on her as well at this time.

What's your opinion on this, thanks.


Hi Paula

There is no set answer for this and it is case by case. At the rescue I volunteer at we leave as little space as possible. We had a widow and widower, widowed in the same week sadly, by the weekend they were being bonded and the bond was successful. If you have an available single for a recently widowed bun, as long as the death of the partner wasn't by anything contagious, get in there as soon as you can!
