Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > is it a peanut or a runt?

is it a peanut or a runt?

22 11:12:39

I have a litter of 7 mini rex/dwarf lop bunnies. 1 of them at birth was 1/2 the size of the other babies. At first to keep it alive I was letting it have 2 extra feeds per day(letting mommy relax then placing the baby on her) it seemed to do the baby good. It is still 1/2 the size of the other ones but can now fight for food. Is it a peanut or
a runt? (it's now 9 days)  

A peanut will usually have very small, triangular shaped ears; an oversized head, and a shrunken hind end. A runt will usually look normal other than being small. Sometimes they can be hard to tell apart, but usually the head and ears are a dead giveaway that it is a peanut. shows a picture of a peanut compared to normal babies.