Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 2nd rabbit

2nd rabbit

22 11:25:41

should i get a second rabbit to keep my bunny company?  i thought rabbits were content on their own, but recently read something to the contrary.  i know not all rabbits are the same, but more likely than not would you say my bun would want a friend?  she is 9months, spade, and has free range of 2 rooms in the house...which she opts to take advantage of between 12 and 5AM!

Dear Jamie,

Rabbits definitely love the company of their own kind, but on one condition:  THEY must be the one to choose their own mate. Bringing home a "surprise" may end in bloodshed and a trip to the vet!

First step is to have your own bunny spayed, and then let her heal up for a couple of weeks.  Then go to:

and find your local chapter of the House Rabbit Society or other rabbit rescue group, and set up a "blind date" for your bunny with some of their eligible, neutered males.  The fosterer will help you learn how to recognize the signs of bonding, and how to make sure no fighting starts once the bunnies seem to be getting along.

You can find out more about bonding bunnies with the articles here:

Hope that helps!  Please write back if you have more questions.
