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pregnant bunny???????

22 11:25:55

Hi Brenda-

Iam not sure if my bunny is pregnant because she is on her 27th day and I can't feel any movement like I was able to in the past.  She shows signs of being pregnant such as: she won't accept the male, she at times will carry around her hay as if to make a nest, she is grunting as us, she doesn't have much of an appetite, and her stools are not quite as firm (not runny) as usual.  Could it be possible that she is pregnant even though I can't feel them. The father of this litter is much smaller than in the past.

Thank You~

Yes, it is possible.  Leave her alone and see what happens.

Also, you should never try to get the buck and doe together after 72 hours following the first breeding.  It is possible for the doe to conceive two litters which would be at different stages of development then lose them all.