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Bonding problems after 3 months

22 9:57:45

Back in May I adopted an 8 month old neutered male lop rabbit Burton, to bond with my 6 month old, speyed female lionhead, Roxy. We followed all the instructions on how to bond 2 rabbits, alternating them in the cages and run time in the flat, to mingle their smells, introducing them on neutral territory etc. After a week or so they were, as far as we were concerned, bonded. They didn't fight, Roxy would happily sit and groom Burton and they'd sit together in their 'den' behind the sofa and even share a cage (although the cage is left open in the kitchen) in the evenings together.
Roxy has always been a very shy timid rabbit and has always been very wary of Burton, and although she is very submissive to him, lowers her head under his, follows him around the flat, grooms him etc, she is less than keen to let him go near her, groom her etc, she often runs away looking terrified.
Just recently, in the last couple of weeks, we've noticed she has quite a few large areas of fur missing from her back/rump area, and a few patches on other areas of her body, where Burton is pulling the fur out. We've watched their behaviour when this happens, one minute they are cuddled up side by side or grooming, the next he is chasing her across the room and pulling lumps of her fur out.
Roxy was a rescue bunny originally, because her mum was bullying her and pulling her fur out. However, her fur looks as patchy now as it did when we rescued her at 3 months old.
Can you tell me what this behaviour means, and how we could go about bonding them again, if this is possible, to try and stop him bullying her, if that's what he is doing.. Its strange as they seem to get along pretty well most of the time.

Many thanks for your help


I'd probably give them a break from each other for awhile.  I am thinking his hormones are up higher (spring/summer) and his drive is greater than hers and she's trying to just get away.  Give them a break for 4 weeks separated by gates, and double gate them off if you see any behavior like one trying to fight or go after the other through the gate.  Then go through the original bonding process again.