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Swollen Nipple on Male Rabbit...

22 11:11:22

Dear Dr. Krempels,

I have a male rabbit who is at least 3 years old (I adopted him from The Humane Society so I'm not sure of his exact age). I have recently noticed that one of his nipples is inflamed and has turned a white color on the tip of it (it looks almost like a blister). It doesn't seem to hurt him when I touch it and his eating habits have not changed. Do you have any idea what could be causing this? Thank-you for your help!! :)

Jane Heather
Lexington, SC

Dear Heather,

Though it's unusual, even a male rabbit can get mastitis (infection of the mammary gland), and this needs to be treated with antibiotics properly prescribed by a good rabbit vet.  Before you go, please read:

so you'll know to ask about culture and sensitivity testing, and to be sure you have a vet who knows the safe antibiotics to give to a rabbit, check the vet listings here:

Hope that helps!
