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Adding to a bonded pair

22 11:24:26

I have a pair of 9 month old neutered bucks that have bonded nicely and have the largest hutch that I could buy but in my opinion they have grown to big for it. I brought the rabbits as dwarf lops but they have grown bigger than they should and I think they might be french lops. I have just brought a 16ft x 4ft dog kennel & run for them and want to add another pair. From my research I have concluded that a bonded pair of does would be the easiest to introduce. If I send you a photo of the rabbits would you be able to confirm whether they are french or dwarf lops? Am I right in thinking that a pair of does the same breed would be the easiest to introduce?


Simon Willcock

hi simon yes send me a pic and i;lltry to see what they are.
introducing another pair may in my opinion cause a lot of fighting, fence the run off and have the pairs seperate but make sure they can see each other then see how it goes before removing the fence.dave.