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Diabetes Insipidus

22 10:37:00

Hi Dana - I wrote to you about a week and a half ago about Edson who drinks tons of water and of course pees a ton. I am a little frustrated with my vet now so I may contact another one although I hate to go through the same testing and expense.  You said some very wise things.  You said Padraigh had some slightly wacko kidney values and he is managing. I felt a little hope with that and the fact you said that some rabbits drink tons for whatever reason and then it tapers off. Here's my latest problem: the vet put Edson on antibiotics to see if there was a bladder infection. They were unable to get a urine sample at the time because they "missed" getting the sample.  I thought things might be taking a turn for the better as he seemed to be down from 48 oz of water a day to 32 oz.  BUT then it increased again and Edson started peeing on his stoop (the cage door that is propped up to the xpen) and also on his bed. We have discovered that he is peeing in his sleep.  My husband caught him red handed. This only started happening in the last few days regularly. I called the vet and he really doesn't know what to do.  He said there is no test for diabetes insipidus so I feel so a bit at odds as to what to do. I'm sorry for all this ramble.  I guess my real question to you is have you ever experienced a rabbit peeing in his sleep!??? For now until this is under control I am going to put him in his cage for his long naps.  I hate this because I want the little guy to have freedom.  Ugh this is so frustrating.  I appreciate any more advice info you may have.  Thanks so much.  Janet

Dear Janet,

It's pretty darned weird for a rabbit to pee in his sleep.  I would wonder at this point about E. cuniculi, and ask the vet about putting Edson on Panacur, to see if this helps the situation.  E. cuniculi attacks both the kidneys and the central nervous system, so the combination of apparent renal problems and urinary incontinence (possibly related to central nervous system control) raises a red flag for me.

I hope this helps, and that you can ask the vet about the Panacur (fenbendazole) or a newer drug, Ponazuril (Marquis, by Bayer), which has also been used with some suspected success.

Hope this helps.
